Silver Award requirements:
You are in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
You are a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
Ready to help your community and earn one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting? Cadettes can team up with a small group of fellow Girl Scouts or work on their own. To earn the Silver Award, you will research an issue you care about, make a plan to address it, and then take action to improve your community.
You are in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
You are a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
Before submitting your proposal, you should thoroughly research your topic. Form a project plan, but do not begin working on your project until after you submit your Project Proposal to GSKSMO.
Download and review the Cadette Workbook for Earning the Silver Award. Troop Leaders can consult the Silver Award Adult Guide.